Friday, January 22, 2010

Stephen Kings

I find it interesting that he could right such disturbing imaginative writing, but after reading his book I figured out where he could get the information for his book and where it all stemmed from. In a lot of situations when you are writing there are so many rules and you are always being judged on what you are doing. Reading his book it made me happy realizing that a majorly successful writer could be faced with difficulties. It was very aspiring. "The scariest moment is always just before you start." His writing made me realize that my writing ideas can come from everywhere you just have to dig for them sometime and the best way to start something is to just start it and let the words flow from you. You can look to your past, future, atmosphere around me, and every other aspect of my life. To be fully honest sometimes I get stuck and frustrated when writing doesn't just flow out of me, but reading this story gave me hope for future writings. I think this book will turn out to be a great book for the class to read and will help all of us on our own paths in journalism.

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