Who: Mario Pastega Foundation and the Pepsi Foundation
What: A raffle of a 2010 Camaro for a fundraiser
When: Feb. 14, 2010
Where: Mario Pastega House
Why: To raise money for the Mario Pastega House
How go get involved: Contact the Pepsi Corporation in Corvallis at- (541) 758-1212 or The Mario Pastega House at – (541) 768-4650
Tickets can be purchased for $ 50 at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center Hospital, The Mario Pastega House, and at Heritage Mall in Albany, OR.
Mario Pastega House is located on the campus of
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Corvallis, Oregon. It was built in 2004, as a place for out-of-area patients and their families to have a comfortable “home away from home” place to stay while their loved ones receive medical attention.
The Mario Pastega House offers many things that a hotel room wouldn’t. Guests have access to a chapel, outdoor patio and garden areas, children’s playroom, central kitchen and dining area, living/recreation areas and on-site laundry facilities. There are also RV hookup sites outside of the house. It is open seven days a week and rooms are available at the low rate of $20 a day.
“The house makes it less horrible to be away from home and everyone that you care about while you are here taking care of your loved ones. Everyone deserves that while they are going through tough situations like this,” Pastega resident, Edna Stover said.
Leading contributor and fund raiser for the house, Mario Pastega, is partnered with
Pepsi-Cola and because of this it had him entered in a contest where a team of people each got one key out of the total 30 keys. If you were the one with the key that fit the 2010 Dr. Pepper red Camaro, then you were the winner of the car.
“One of Mario Pastega’s team members had the key that fit the car,” Event Coordinate, Lanez Kay Vauble confirmed.
After winning the car, Pastega decided to donate it so that it could be raffled off to make money for the Mario Pastega House. The house is solely based on donated money, so fund raising is vital to sustain the house’s availability. The money made from the raffle will cover the cost of operating the Pastega House.
"100 percent of the proceeds go towards keeping the costs down for patient’s families staying in the house,” Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation director, Jeff Larson said.
Tickets can be purchased for $50 apiece now through the Feb. 14 2010, unless all 1500 available tickets have been sold already. Tickets can be purchased at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center Hospital, Mario Pastega House, and at Heritage Mall in Albany, Ore. The drawing will be held on Feb. 14th at 1 p.m. at the Pastega House.
Photo source: Jordan Johnson